The Wellbeing Framework was developed to support the attraction and retention of the housing and homelessness workforce in Queensland. The framework is intended to provide ideas, tools and resources to organisations responding to people experiencing unmet housing need and homelessness to improve staff wellbeing, attraction and retention.
The Wellbeing Framework has four framework focus areas, six foundational principles and associated resources to assist in implementing these focus areas.
The framework has been designed to be used as a whole or by utlising the templates and resources that suit you or your organisation. This is just the beginning, we’ll be adding additional resources over time and welcome feedback on any resources you would like to see.
Workplace wellbeing framework and resources,
supporting those working in the housing and homelessness sector.
Get started with our FREE Welcome Pack featuring our most popular resource, the Individual Wellbeing Plan Guidelines.
Just provide your contact details for access.
Your contact details will be used only by the WellNow project delivery team to verify your access to our resources and to measure use of our resources in the sector. We may also contact you in the future to survey you about the resources and send you WellNow project updates. See more in our Privacy Policy